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Parent Newsletter


We had some exciting events in the month of October like Latinx Heritage Celebration held on October 11. Our flag football team made it to the championship and we hosted the game at Tennyson High School on October 30. We didn't win but we are proud of our students for playing with all of their hearts and having a great season. We want to extend our congratulations to this year's champions, the Winton Wildcats. The month ended with a Fall "Spooktacular" Dance on October 31st.

Thank you parents for your continued support like volunteering for field trips, participating in parent workshops, and becoming members in our decision making teams like School Site Council  (SSC) and English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC). Our work with parents is essential for our students' success.


November was filled with student centered activites. We hosted a Reclassification Ceremony, honoring English Learner students who passed the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment for California) and are now considered fluent in English.  We also hosted our first Newcomer Orientation during lunch, supporting students who are new to the country with a check in and a chance to meet other newcomers.  We also had our first Spirit Week where students got to dress up in their favorite decade, wear their favorite sports team jersey, have crazy hair, and show their cheetah pride.