Site Based Decision Making (SBDM)
Site Based Decision Making in Hayward
The Hayward Unified School District's employee groups, parents, community members, and students believe that giving people increased responsibility for making decisions at individual school sites will have a positive impact on the educational program at each school. By sharing in the decision-making process, site staff has the opportunity to exchange ideas, data, and other information necessary to improve educational opportunities for students. Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) was introduced into the Hayward Unified School District in the Spring of 1996. The staff at each school site was given the opportunity to adopt SBDM as a formal process for their site . After approving the process, they selected members for their SBDM team, which consists of an administrator, teachers, certificated support staff, classified support staff, parents, and students, when appropriate.
2024-25 SBDM Members are: Khanh Yeargin (Principal), Colleen Jackson (SBDM Co-Chair/Teacher), Jenny Dawson (Teacher), Lorena Gutierrez (Teacher), Alicia Flores (Counselor), Riki Ingram (Custodian), Jennifer Gonzalez (Attendance Clerk), Jimena Hernandez Pereda (Student Rep)
- The District and the Association agree that shared decision-making should be fostered, promoted, and supported in accordance with the following provisions contained herein.
The District and the Association believe and herein recognize that site base decision making in which unit members, other employees, parents, community members, and students (where age-appropriate), at individual sites are given increased responsibility for making decisions, will improve effective educational practice and process. This process would better provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas, data, and information that is necessary for restructuring to improve educational opportunities for students and to increase employee job performance, satisfaction, and morale. - The District and the Association agree that better decisions will be made and should be fostered through the shared decision-making process at all sites in the District. To this end, the District and the Association will promote and assist employees in the development of shared decision-making processes and procedures District-wide.